“Often times God demonstrates His faithfulness in adversity by providing for us what we need to survive. He does not change our painful circumstances. He sustains us through them.” ~ Charles StanleyA few things in life are inevitable; change is one of them. Change can present due to adversity or other challenges, but no matter what, we here at Adoption Connections believe that God provides what we need to survive. While Adoption Connections is no longer going to be a licensed child placing agency going forward – as we have opted not to renew our license (valid through March 25, 2018) – we are most definitely NOT closing our doors. We are re-orienting our focus on providing quality supportive services to placing and adopting parents.We are maintaining our current waiting list of families hoping to adopt (though not adding to it at this time), and will provide any Expectant / Placing parent looking at making an adoption plan with a referral to an attorney and an advocate to walk alongside her in the process, from start to finish (and beyond).We are continuing our monthly support group for adoptive families (those who have adopted and those hoping to adopt), and we plan to continue to offer educational workshops.Given that change is inevitable, we are confident that our nonprofit adoption ministry will continue to change over time, but it is always our goal and our prayer that these changes will continue to be for the better. While it is sad to see our time as a licensed agency end, we are optimistic that we will be a part of many more “adoption connections” in the coming years.If you have questions about these changes or our services, please do feel free to contact us.